Who would you nominate to be Composer of the Week?

This month, BBC Radio 3’s Composer of the Week has been celebrating its 70th birthday. In recognition of this, we’ve compiled some of the living composers that we’ve worked with and, in doing so, informally nominate them for appearing on future shows (BBC Radio 3 are you reading?)! Earlier this month, Donald Mcleod revealed that in…

Olympic Action at Victoria Park

Today’s the big day that London’s been waiting for these past seven years! So we thought we’d take this opportunity to tell you a bit about our evening at Victoria Park next Thursday (2 August), as part of the BT London Live coverage. We have the stage from 5.00pm – 9.00pm, and have invited some…

An interview with Talvin Singh

Talvin Singh is a tabla player, electronic musician, music theorist, record producer and DJ and is widely considered the father of modern Asian electronic music, known for creating an innovative fusion of classical Indian music and electronica. Here we share our recent conversation with Talvin about his Associate Artist performances at the Summer Festival 2012.…

Summer Festival Playlist now available

With June drawing nearer, our Summer Festival 2012 is only round the corner (only 13 weeks, we checked!). As ever, we’ll be bringing you a diverse programme of renowned artists, local music making and a musical repertoire no less eclectic. To get you in the mood for what’s in store, we’ve put together a Summer…